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Experience a Day in the Life with Lutron Lighting Control

A well-lit home with numerous outdoor seating areas and various light fixtures.

Creating Exceptional Experiences

There was a time when we lived by the changing light of the natural world. We woke when the sun rose over the horizon and lived by firelight when darkness fell. Today, we experience 24/7 illumination. Flip a switch, and light fills a room. 

Lutron lighting control offers a different approach, managing light intuitively throughout the day. Let’s explore how your life transforms one day at a time with this powerful system. When integrated into your Raleigh, NC, home, you’ll discover ease, enhanced moods, and profound appreciation.

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Illuminate Your New Year with Lutron Lighting Control

A rustic chich living room at dusk with motorized shades and lighting control.

Enhance Your Overall Wellness with These Innovative Lighting Solutions

As we usher in the New Year, it’s the perfect time to think about improving our wellness. Is upgrading to smarter living with Lutron lighting control on your list of resolutions? If not, it should be—this innovative lighting product is high on our list of must-haves. Continue reading to find out why we think homeowners in Raleigh, NC, and surrounding areas should invest in lighting controls in 2024.

  408 Hits

7 Everyday Ways You’ll Use Lutron Remote Light Control


Illuminate Your Chapel Hill Home—Even If You Aren’t There!

Lutron lighting control lets users turn on every light with one press of a button—or voice command! Whether you use the Lutron app, Pico remote, or a sleek wall keypad, you can turn on entire rooms and set lighting just as you like it. Not too bright, not too dim, and a comfortable color temperature.

Unlike other smart bulbs that rely on a Bluetooth at-home connection, Lutron’s smart lighting systems let you control lights, shades, and thermostats from anywhere in the world.

You may be thinking, do I really need that? But Lutron remote lighting control proves to be incredibly handy. Below, we highlight seven moments that call for smart lighting, whether you’re in the driveway of your Chapel Hill, NC home or hundreds of miles away.

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