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6 Ways to Improve Your Home Network Security

Cords plugged into a router with lights glowing green

Protect Your Home Devices from Hackers, Viruses, and Cyber Attacks

Cybercrime is a serious threat to your home network and connected devices. On average, there are 2,200 attacks daily - or one attack happening every 39 seconds. That is why it is essential to have the proper protection in place for your home network. Hackers will gain access to your network and Wi-Fi and then use your personal data for their own nefarious purposes. But if you have security in place, they’ll probably move on to an easier target.

Continue reading for six easy ways to improve your Raleigh, NC, home network security to protect your data and devices from cybercriminals.

SEE ALSO: Home Networking: How It Works & What You Need for Better Internet

1. Set a New Password for Your Home Network

When you receive your home networking equipment, it typically comes with a pre-selected default name and password. It may surprise you to learn that most people do not change this! So, one of the easiest ways to protect your home internet connection is to create a new name and password.

When choosing your new password, opt for a longer phrase with various letters, numbers, and symbols versus personal information, such as a birthday or child’s name. Also, ensure you are not reusing passwords and that your passphrase is unique to your router.

2. Enable Wi-Fi Network Encryption

Most routers now offer an encryption option you can turn on in the router’s settings. By enabling encryption, you protect the data sent over your network and prevent eavesdropping. A quick tip: manually reconnect all your wireless devices to the network after you turn on encryption.

3. Avoid Giving Strangers Your Wi-Fi Login

Follow best-practice password management by keeping your Wi-Fi login information in a protected place and not letting unknown devices connect to your home network. If, for some reason, you do need to share your password with someone, be diligent about changing the password as soon as they no longer require access.

4. Check Your Router for Firmware Updates

Wireless routers don’t always auto-update their software, so periodically running a firmware check for updates is recommended. Router brands may have different processes for doing this, so review instructions or visit their website for more information about your particular model.

5. Turn Off Remote Access 

Routers typically have a remote access feature that allows you to log in and manage your router settings from any location. Unfortunately, having this feature on is an easy way for hackers to gain access to your network, so we suggest turning this feature off. 

6. Centralize Your Router in Your Home

Common tricks hackers use to gain access to home Wi-Fi networks include driving around neighborhoods looking for easy targets – those with strong signals or unprotected networks. It may surprise you to learn that the closer your router is to an outside wall, the stronger your signal will be to passers-by. So try to centralize your router in your home as much as possible to weaken the accessible signal outside.

If you want to learn more about security best practices for your Raleigh, NC, home network, call Synergy Integrated Systems or fill out our online contact form. We can set up a home network for you that is robust and highly secure. 

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