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Home Networking: How It Works & What You Need for Better Internet


Build a Home Network That Provides the Speed & Coverage You Need

You’ve heard of social networks and networking at cocktail hours. But what is a home network?  Nearly everyone has a home network, but when confronted with the term, many are unsure what it really means.

A home network is simply a group of electronics, like computers, smartphones, and gaming systems, that connect to the internet and each other. Most folks set up a router that supplies Wi-Fi to their devices and never think about home networking again. 

But a wireless router is only one component of home networking. And if your Raleigh, NC, home’s Wi-Fi isn’t performing well, upgrading your home network could do wonders for speed and reliability. 

Here’s all you need to know to get started with a home networking upgrade.

SEE ALSO: How to Get Started with Smart Home Solutions

Three Types of Home Networks 

Home networks can be assembled in three ways:

  • A wired network, which connects devices to the internet via cables 
  • A wireless network, which does not connect devices to the internet with cables
  • A hybrid network, which uses both wired and wireless connections 

Each type of home network has its strengths and weaknesses. Wired networks are the most reliable and are sometimes essential for hard-to-reach areas. For instance, if you depend on the internet to stream movies in the home theater, wiring to the internet may be more secure and reliable than using Wi-Fi. But, of course, hard wiring to portable devices is not always possible or ideal. 

Wi-Fi is popular for its ease of use with laptops, smartphones, and other wireless gadgets. But if you own dozens of smart home devices, a wired network will provide faster and more dependable service. In many cases, we recommend a hybrid of wired and wireless setups, using both methods where it makes the most sense. 

How to Set Up a Network 

To assemble a home network, you’ll first need an internet service subscription. You’ll then add a modem, which connects to the internet through an ethernet cable, and a router that connects your devices to the modem. Alternatively, you could use a two-in-one gateway, which combines a router and modem. 

From there, you’ll either run cables from the router to devices or connect technology over Wi-Fi. If you’re unsure which route is best, consult a networking professional like Synergy Integrated Systems. 

Ways to Improve Your Network

Does your Netflix movie stall on a loading screen? Is it hard to reach a Wi-Fi signal when you’re upstairs or in certain wings of the house? It may be time to upgrade your home network. 

Wireless access points (WAP) can help spread your Wi-Fi’s range further across your property. WAPs are wired to your router and rebroadcast the Wi-Fi signal. But if your wireless network is overcrowded with devices, it may be wise to connect some rooms or systems with wires. That will free up space on the wireless network, boosting speeds and performance. 

It’s 2021. You don’t have to put up with poor Wi-Fi services any longer! If you want to enhance your network’s performance, let Synergy Integrated Systems help. We install custom home networks in the Raleigh, NC, area and understand that in networking, one size does not fit all. Contact our team here to get started! 

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